Do You Realize The Power of 'I'?

Friday, December 05, 2014 , 0 Comments

In one of her several hundred famous quotes, Ayn Rand wrote,
“To say ‘I love you’ one must first know how to say the ‘I.’
I have been a huge fan of this quote ever since I read it in her famous novel The Fountainhead. However, the meaning of Rand's 'I' is not limited only to the idea of individualism that she proposed, propagated and pursued throughout her life.
To know what 'I' can do for you, you need to do a little self research. And trust me, the more you do research about 'I', the more you can realize your potential, the more you can encash your strengths, the more you can surpass your weaknesses.. and so on.
A few years back, when I was preparing myself to enter into the professional world, some of my seniors and mentors advised me to 'not use the word 'I' in my resume'. The reason given was that when you use 'I', it shows you're a little too self obsessed, a not-so-good team player, an egotist etc. I was surprised, but I accepted it. Perhaps, because, I was little afraid that time to express what 'I' felt about the matter.
The lack of 'I' led me to accept the lack of 'I', the opinions of 'I', the interests of 'I', the goals of 'I', the happiness of 'I', and lot more. This sounds like a start of self journey without taking 'self' with you.
Over the years, I realized that how 'I' has been suppressed everywhere. You become the ant in room whom nobody notices. You enter into your corporate world like a sheep, identical to other sheep who already work there- all with no "I's" and only "other's".
Why you should know your 'I'?
1. 'I' lets you focus on your goals and keep your interest on top -
Is it too bad to be selfish (so long as your self interest does not jeopardize or interfere or hamper others' interests)? I meet students in their 10+2 asking questions about their careers to everyone they meet instead of asking these to themselves. Even I myself fell into that category once. The more we go to others to answer questions about our lives, the more limp we become for the rest of our lives.
So for students out there, who ever doubt what field to choose in your education or career, ask yourself a few questions about 'I' rather than asking everyone else about his interests, his opinions, his likes etc.
1.    Do I like doing this? (If not then, what else I like doing?)
2.    Do I want a career in this? (If not then, where else I want my career in?)
3.    Do I feel happy about opting this? (If not then, what else makes me happy?)
4.    Do I fit in this? (If not then, where else do I fit best; what I need to do to get in there?)
5.    Do I need this? (If not then, what do I need?)
2. 'I' helps you take important decisions in complex matters -
The conversations with your 'I' are of great help in making important decisions of your life. Prepare a list of such questions and write 'Yes' or 'No' for each question, then analyse your answers. 
If your answer to any question is in 'No', you can cross that thing off and move on. If you're still in doubt, make a longer list of 10 questions and if answers to more than half the questions are in 'No', you would know you really need to move on.
However, if the answers to more than half the questions are in 'Yes', but you were earlier doubtful about doing it, then you need to re think. You need to take yourself in confidence and develop interest in that particular thing. This reasoning will help you clear your doubts that had put you in dilemma earlier.
3. 'I' can get you to where you want to reach -
For some reasons, if you had to compromise with your self interest and take up other's interests as your goal, don't worry. The realization of 'I' today can lead you to wherever you have wanted to reach. Lets illustrate this, say, you wanted to read medical science 20 years back, but you chose engineering for some reasons. Think about some other ways so you can get close to medical field being in your engineering profession. If you are a software engineer, may be you can write softwares for Health Industry. Or if you are an architect, may be you can build for medical infrastructure. The key is that you just need to know "what 'I' want to do today which really excites me", and discover how to reach there.
4. 'I' lets you re re re re re re.. invent yourself -
There is very little that we know about the 'I'. We always underestimate our 'I's'. We should constantly be in process of discovering, expressing and inventing the 'I' to take advantage of the infinite potential that 'I' has.
Identify and integrate the power of 'I'.
Thanks for reading till here! Hope you find this article helpful. Comments, suggestions, ideas and feedback are heartily welcome.

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.